Custom WordPress Login

Customizing Your WordPress Login Page

Sometimes it's the little touches that can really elevate a client experience. One of my favorites is a custom login page. It will make your clients feel like you went the extra mile, and it won't take you long to set up. This tutorial will go over how to customize your WordPress login page, without ...
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Create A Wordpress Child Theme

What’s a WordPress Child Theme and how do I create one?

Customizing your chosen WordPress theme is fun! What's not fun is customizing the code files only to have them overwritten when your theme gets an update from the creator. Even if you're not sure you'll edit the theme files, it's always a good practice to start with a child theme, just in case. What's a ...
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What Is Hosting | Caffeinated Web Studio

WTF is Hosting?

Starting a business is exciting! But, when it comes to your business website, things can get confusing. If you glaze over when people start mentioning things like domains, hosting and email clients... you're not alone. So... what is hosting and why do you need it? Hosting is the foundation of your online business. It's where all ...
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